June 24, 2009, 11:20 pm
Filed under: Current Events

I agree with Jim Brown on the topic of how, not only black athletes, but all athletes should be speaking out on social justice issues and racism. It shows how much of an intellectual he is regarding sports where physical skill is promoted while knowledge and education, especially about social issues are downplayed or not even endorsed.

Jim was even at the beginning of the UFC when it was a true martial arts competition but is now a normalized corporate sport void of ingenuity and new techniques that accurately showcase the many different fighting styles. It’s similar to how Hip-Hop was highjacked and turned into this neo-liberal “act” run by conservative business men who are NOT invested in the culture what so ever. The same is happening with the new “alternative” sports like skateboarding where “minority” professionals are hesitant to speak out on racism and discrimination because they will loose their sponsorships and/or be seen a “radical” and with the term radical I mean as in the context of social justice and not in being “cool”.

By no one speaking out, they render us and our culture invisible or problematic to a hegemonic and patriarchal society that favors “whiteness” and shuns the “other” especially the poor and who challenge social class. So the average person does not have a voice and is drowned out by the majority who owns the capital to assign value to people, places, and things. Jim Brown and other athletes who have paved the way most likely saw all of this and felt powerless to change anything. Now he sees that we cannot be silent anymore about this because for the average price of one person’s privilege, thousands will die of poverty and violence.

Those making the real money off of the athleticism of a few really good players, are content with leaving things the way they are because they can build wealth from the bigger culture that supports and pays for the possibility of the fame and the stardom. The corporate sports industries also make millions with selling merchandise and even concessions like hot-dogs and beer. Selling the “dream” has proven more lucrative then selling the game.

It has to stop and all of us must do our part whether we are on the street, in a school, or on a baseball field. As a Puerto Rican, I am extremely proud of another particular athlete that lost his life for social justice and for trying to help the poor. He faced racism/discrimination too as a Puerto Rican athlete in the United States and as a man with African ancestry. His name was Roberto Clemente and I personally wish more athletes would carry the torch before the flame of justice dies forever under the mask of wealth and capital.


The complete article with Jim Brown speaking on Tiger Woods can be found on Davey D’s Blog:


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